- Slot Dozing Adalah
- Slot Dozing
Figure 11-26.-Side-by-side dozing.Figure 11-27.-Slot dozing.Side-by-side dozing (fig. 11-26) and slot dozing(fig. 11-27) maximize the amount of earth drifted byreducing or preventing spillage around the outer edgesof the blade.SIDE-BY-SIDE DOZING.— In side-by-sidedozing, two dozers work abreast with blade edges asclose together as possible, preventing spillage aroundone blade edge on each dozer. Side-by-side dozingrequires time-consuming maneuvering of the dozers;therefore, it is impractical for hauls of less than 50 feetand more than 300 feet.SLOT DOZING.— Slot dozing is done by firstbuilding a pair of windrows with the spillage of severalpasses. As shown in figure 11-27, the windrows serveas barriers to prevent spillage around the dozer bladeends. Under favorable conditions, slot dozing canincrease production up to 50 percent.11-14
Sementara itu, pada slot dozing, operator akan memasang semacam penghalang pada pisau untuk menghindari keluarnya material ketika bersentuhan dengan pisau. Untuk lebih jelas mengenai cara kerja dan fungsi bulldozer ini, Anda bisa mengikuti training untuk operator alat berat yang akan memberikan pelatihan tidak hanya mengenai bulldozer saja. Repeat the process, carrying the load further with each pass, until the slot stretches the length of the intended cut. The walls of the slot can extend the tractor's blade load by as much as 30 percent. Start at the Spoil. Front-to-back slot dozing cuts undercarriage costs as it improves productivity. Driving in reverse causes the worst track wear.
Slot Dozing Adalah
Slot Dozing
TM5-2430-200-10 73 Operation Section Operating TechniquesOperating TechniquesAlert ground support personnel to stay a minimum of 50 feet from the DEUCE during dozing operations. Failure to comply may result in injury or death from flying rocks and debris. NOTE: The illustrations in this section are not specific to the DEUCE. However, the techniques described are valid operating techniques for the DEUCE. Bulldozing Straight Dozing For the best performance during straight dozing, a level cut should be maintained. After the bulldozer blade is filled, the load should be carried to the landfill. Do not lug or stall the machine. Do not allow the drive belt to spin excessively. If the machine must be turned under load, the bulldozer tilt cylinders, not the steering wheel, should be used to steer the machine. During leveling work, a full bulldozer blade can be managed more effectively than a partially loaded blade. Slot Dozing NOTICE During slot dozing, side wall cave in may occur, potentially causing damage to the drive belt and suspension. When material is trapped in a slot, larger loads can be carried in front of the bulldozer blade. Once depth of slot exceeds blade height production will decrease when using this method. Decrease is due to excess spoil falling back over blade. Moderate breaking and reverse gear one (R-1) must be used when backing down any slope. Failure to do so could result in death or injury. Start at the dump end, and operate rearward. This is shown in Figure (A). This technique permits loading downhill, and the carrying of a load on a level surface. When working from the rear of the slot to the dump end, the previous technique is more efficient. This is shown in Figure (B). Uphill loading does not utilize the slot. This is shown in Figure (B). Level dozing through the entire slot is inefficient, due to the longer distance of the push. When parallel slots are dug, the center should be removed from the rear. This procedure permits the operator to maintain a slot until the center is removed. The center should be maintained at a minimum width. The maximum width should be approximately one- third of the bulldozer blade.